Daphne S Yang

Welcome to my data science portfolio!

photo of daphne

Daphne S Yang

Hi and welcome to my portfolio! My name is Daphne and I am currently a Data Scientist at Atlassian. I graduated from the second cohort of the 5th Year Master of Information and Data Science Program at the University of California, Berkeley in August 2021. Prior to this, I graduated in May 2020 from Berkeley with a Bachelor Degree in Public Health and worked in Health and Benefits Consulting in San Francisco before starting to explore Data Science.

I designed and created this portfolio to share projects that I have made. Feel free to check it out and reach out with any questions!

Thanks again for visiting my website and check out more details of my data science journey below!

Daphne's Data Science Path




    • Data Scientist, Trello (Oct 2021)


    • Data Science Intern, Product Analytics (May 2021 - August 2021)

    Basil Labs

    • Data Science Intern, Machine Learning (December 2020 - May 2021, August 2021 - October 2021)


    Completed Curriculum:

    • Introduction to Natural Language Processing (MIDS W266)
    • Causal Inference and Statistics (MIDS W241)
    • Data Visualization (MIDS W209)
    • Data Ethics (MIDS W231)
    • MIDS Capstone (MIDS W210)



    UC Berkeley D-Lab

    • Data Science Fellow (October 2020 - August 2021)

    Basil Labs

    • Data Science Intern, Machine Learning (December 2020 - May 2021, August 2021 - October 2021)


    Completed Coursework:

    • Data Engineering (MIDS W205)
    • Introduction to Machine Learning (MIDS W207)
    • Statistics for Data Science (MIDS W203)
    • Research Design and Data Analysis (MIDS W201)